When On Patrol, Make Sure To Always Investigate These Scenes
When you're patrolling a specific area as a security guard, it's highly advantageous to watch for scenes that catch your eye. Instead of getting complacent as you make your rounds, you should always be looking for things that don't seem right. You can then investigate further and take the necessary course of action. In many cases, what initially doesn't seem right will have a logical explanation, but there may be circumstances in which you've uncovered an issue that requires you to log the event and call other security guards or backup officers in to help you. Whether you're patrolling a mall, an office complex, or a college, here are some scenes that you should always stop to check out.
Door Inexplicably Open/Shut
During your routine patrols, you'll get a sense of how things generally look. For example, if you're in a mall, you might get used to seeing the doors in a storage corridor kept shut. It's important to always investigate further if you notice that a door, in this scenario, is in the opposite position to how it usually is. For example, if the door is open, it could mean that people have accessed the storage area and are potentially stealing valuable items from it. Instead of assuming that the door is open for a legitimate reason, your careful investigation of the situation could uncover a crime.
Gathering Of People
It's always a good idea to approach a gathering of people when you're on patrol as a security officer. People may gather for a wide range of reasons — including reasons that are innocuous. However, there are also potential reasons for people gathering that require your attention. For example, in a college setting, a crowd may be gathered around a student who has become ill and passed out. In this scenario, the event may just have happened and it's possible that no one has thought to contact the authorities. Your alerted presence on the scene can help provide first aid for the student.
Suspicious Vehicles
You should also take the time to approach any vehicles that are sitting where you don't think they should be. This can especially be the case during off-hours at an office complex. While employees might occasionally attend the area on the weekend or late at night, others may park in the area for illicit reasons. By approaching any vehicles that don't look "right," you can determine what is going on and take the necessary course of action.